Below is the entire AQA philosophy (7172) specification with links to videos explaining each point. These will be links to shorts (<1 min) or timestamped parts of longer videos.

Epistemology (playlist)

What is knowledge? (full video)

Perception as a source of knowledge (full video)

Reason as a source of knowledge (full video)

The limits of knowledge (full video)

Moral philosophy (playlist)

Normative ethical theories

    • The meaning of good, bad, right, wrong within each of the three approaches specified below
    • Similarities and differences across the three approaches specified below

Utilitarianism (full video)

Kantian deontological ethics (full video)

Aristotelian virtue ethics (full video)

Applied ethics

  • Students must be able to apply the content of Normative ethical theories and metaethics to the following issues:
    • stealing
    • simulated killing (within computer games, plays, films etc)
    • eating animals
    • telling lies.


  • The origins of moral principles: reason, emotion/attitudes, or society.
  • The distinction between cognitivism and non-cognitivism about ethical language.
  • Moral realism: There are mind-independent moral properties/facts.
    • Moral naturalism (cognitivist)
      • including naturalist forms of utilitarianism (including Bentham)
      • and of virtue ethics.
    • Moral non-naturalism (cognitivist)
      • including intuitionism
      • and Moore’s ‘open question argument’ against all reductive metaethical theories
      • and the Naturalistic Fallacy.
    • Issues that may arise for the theories above, including:
      • Hume’s Fork and A J Ayer’s verification principle
      • Hume’s argument that moral judgements are not beliefs since beliefs alone could not motivate us
      • Hume’s is-ought gap
      • John Mackie’s argument from relativity and his arguments from queerness.
  • Moral anti-realism: There are no mind-independent moral properties/facts.

Metaphysics of God

The concept and nature of ‘God’

  • God’s attributes:
    • God as omniscient,
    • omnipotent,
    • supremely good (omnibenevolent),
    • and the meaning(s) of these divine attributes
    • competing views on such a being’s relationship to time, including God being timeless (eternal) and God being within time (everlasting).
  • arguments for the incoherence of the concept of God including:
    • the paradox of the stone
    • the Euthyphro dilemma
    • the compatibility, or otherwise, of the existence of an omniscient God and free human beings.

Arguments relating to the existence of God

    • For the arguments below, students should pay particular attention to nuances in the logical form of the arguments (deductive, inductive etc), the strengths of the conclusions (God does exist, God must exist etc) and the nature of God assumed or defended by the argument.

Ontological arguments

  • St Anselm’s ontological argument.
  • Descartes’ ontological argument.
  • Norman Malcolm’s ontological argument.
  • Issues that may arise for the arguments above, including:
    • Gaunilo’s ‘perfect island’ objection
    • Empiricist objections to a priori arguments for existence
    • Kant’s objection based on existence not being a predicate.

Teleological/design arguments

  • The design argument from analogy (as presented by Hume).
  • William Paley’s design argument: argument from spatial order/purpose.
  • Richard Swinburne’s design argument: argument from temporal order/regularity.
  • Issues that may arise for the arguments above, including:
    • Hume’s objections to the design argument from analogy
    • the problem of spatial disorder (as posed by Hume and Paley)
    • the design argument fails as it is an argument from a unique case (Hume)
    • whether God is the best or only explanation.

Cosmological arguments

  •  The Kalām argument (an argument from temporal causation).
  • Aquinas’
    • 1st Way (argument from motion),
    • 2nd Way (argument from atemporal causation)
    • and 3rd way (an argument from contingency).
  • Descartes’ argument based on his continuing existence (an argument from causation).
  • Leibniz’s argument from the principle of sufficient reason (an argument from contingency).
  • Issues that may arise for the arguments above, including:
    • the possibility of an infinite series
    • Hume’s objection to the ‘causal principle’
    • the argument commits the fallacy of composition (Russell)
    • the impossibility of a necessary being (Hume and Russell).

The Problem of Evil

  • Whether God’s attributes can be reconciled with the existence of evil.
  • The nature of moral evil and natural evil.
  • The logical and evidential forms of the problem of evil.
  • Responses to these issues and issues arising from these responses, including:
    • the Free Will Defence (including Alvin Plantinga)
    • soul-making (including John Hick).

Religious language

  • The distinction between cognitivism and non-cognitivism about religious language.
  • The empiricist/logical positivist challenges to the status of metaphysical (here, religious) language: the verification principle and verification/falsification (Ayer).
    • Hick’s response to Ayer (eschatological verification) and issues arising from that response.
  • Further responses: the ‘University Debate’

Metaphysics of mind

Dualist theories

  • Substance dualism: Minds exist and are not identical to bodies or to parts of bodies.

    • The indivisibility argument for substance dualism (Descartes).
      • Responses, including:
        • the mental is divisible in some sense
        • not everything thought of as physical is divisible.
    • The conceivability argument for substance dualism (expressed without reference to God)(Descartes).
      • Responses including:
        • mind without body is not conceivable
        • what is conceivable may not be metaphysically possible
        • what is metaphysically possible tells us nothing about the actual world.
  • Property dualism: There are at least some mental properties that are neither reducible to nor supervenient upon physical properties.

    • The ‘philosophical zombies’ argument for property dualism (David Chalmers).
      • Responses including:
        • a ‘philosophical zombie’/a ‘zombie’ world is not conceivable
        • what is conceivable may not be metaphysically possible
        • what is metaphysically possible tells us nothing about the actual world.
    • The ‘knowledge/Mary’ argument for property dualism (Frank Jackson).
      • Responses including:
        • Mary does not gain new propositional knowledge but does gain ability knowledge (the ‘ability knowledge’ response).
        • Mary does not gain new propositional knowledge but does gain acquaintance knowledge (the ‘acquaintance knowledge’ response).
        • Mary gains new propositional knowledge, but this is knowledge of physical facts that she already knew in a different way (the ‘New Knowledge / Old Fact’ response).
  • Issues
    • Issues facing dualism, including:
      • The problem of other minds
      • Responses including:
        • the argument from analogy
        • the existence of other minds is the best hypothesis.
    • Dualism makes a “category mistake” (Gilbert Ryle)
    • Issues facing interactionist dualism, including:
      • the conceptual interaction problem (as articulated by Elisabeth, Princess of Bohemia)
      • the empirical interaction problem.
    • Issues facing epiphenomenalist dualism, including:
      • the challenge posed by introspective self-knowledge
      • the challenge posed by the phenomenology of our mental life (ie as involving causal connections, both psychological and psycho-physical)
      • the challenge posed by natural selection/evolution.

Physicalist theories

  • Physicalism: Everything is physical or supervenes upon the physical (this includes properties, events, objects and any substance(s) that exist).
  • Philosophical behaviourism:

    • ‘Hard’ behaviourism: all propositions about mental states can be reduced without loss of meaning to propositions that exclusively use the language of physics to talk about bodily states/movements (including Carl Hempel).
    • ‘Soft’ behaviourism: propositions about mental states are propositions about behavioural dispositions (ie propositions that use ordinary language) (including Gilbert Ryle).
    • Issues including:
      • dualist arguments applied to philosophical behaviourism
      • the distinctness of mental states from behaviour (including Hilary Putnam’s ‘Super-Spartans’ and perfect actors)
      • issues defining mental states satisfactorily due to (a) circularity and (b) the multiple realisability of mental states in behaviour
      • the asymmetry between self-knowledge and knowledge of other people’s mental states.
  • Mind-brain type identity theory: All mental states are identical to brain states (‘ontological’ reduction) although ‘mental state’ and ‘brain state’ are not synonymous (so not an ‘analytic’ reduction).

  • Eliminative materialism: Some or all common-sense (“folk-psychological”) mental states/properties do not exist and our common-sense understanding is radically mistaken (as defended by Patricia Churchland and Paul Churchland).

    • Issues including:
      • our certainty about the existence of our mental states takes priority over other considerations
      • folk-psychology has good predictive and explanatory power (and so is the best hypothesis)
      • the articulation of eliminative materialism as a theory is self-refuting.
